Friends and Family,
We are in need of a few child-rearing items. Paige has begun crawling round the house, so we need a Safety Gate for the kitchen doorway. Also, when the weather beckons us outside, a Room Monitor would come in handy for when Paige is napping.
We moved Joshua’s School Time back into the Living room so Paige can have the bedroom for napping. This still left Gabrielle with nowhere to be/ play if those rooms were occupied except the kitchen. So I transformed our Back Entrance/ Sun room into a Toy room. The floors are wood so I put interlocking foam tiles down. It’s great for the girls to get some fresh air without being in the sun. Gabrielle’s kitchen and mini-couch are in there, and she can bring in whatever toys she wants that day from the Living room. On my Wish List for that room are an Art Easle and a Kids’s size Table and Chairs. She gets very jealous of Joshua’s “School Time Table” in the Living room.
As our eating area is getting fairly snug with us all at the table now, I’m interested in down-sizing our highchair. If anyone knows the whereabouts of a used Modular Highchair like a Stokke, I’d love to know!
Lastly, for the yard. As toddlers with big imaginations (don’t they all?), I’d love to get them a Play House, and a Ride-in Car. Joshua is now ready for a Bike. He got to try one when we were camping and had a blast (with training wheels of course). If any of your boys have outgrown their bikes, we’ll take it off your hands. He’s an average height four year old.
If you can’t help with any of these items, but know of people who might, or see them in your Thrift Store travels, please pass this on or give me their name.
Thanks a bunch!