Paige is now 19 months old. She weighs 21 pounds and is 30 inches tall. She always has a smile to give. To her, every situation deserves humour, and humour will make any situation better. I consider her the most affectionate one of the bunch so far.
Her words are: Mummy, Daddy, Lunun, Riel, Osh, Umma, Gampa, A-ty (Aunty), Eel (Neil), enty (empty), all nun (all done), no, yesh, peece (please), gog (dog), amn (amen), wa-vou (love you), ess yu (bless you), tee to (thank you), elum (welcome), own (down), eeping (sleeping), itting (sitting), eeing (eating), pee, ucky (yucky), inky (stinky), ir-y (dirty), cat, ‘bye’ is a queen wave, wing (swing), and a few more I can’t remember. Basically, she leaves off the first half of a word. If you tell her what something is, or she asks you by pointing, she’ll repeat it in Paige-ees which is with a bit of a lisp.
She hasn’tshown signs of feeling left out since London’s arrival. She’ll sit with me while I nurse London, or alone beside her, stroking her. She’s proud of her new sister, pointing and telling everyone London’s name (with a big grin). I’ve never seen a toddler as gentle.
She helps lift my spirits by putting a smile on my lips and laughter in my mouth on frustrating days. She’s living up to her name.