As you know, Paige is now a year. Thursday was her 1 year Medical Check up. Here’s the skinny.
She weighs 19.8lbs and is 27.25in tall. She has four teeth thru (two large on top) with two on side-tops just waiting to break thru. She walks holding someones hand, stands whenever she can and is quick with her crawling. She should be walking in a few weeks.
She comes when you call her name, knows what “no” means and smiles at you when she’s doing what she knows is wrong. She “helps” with her dressing (sees a sock in your hand and lifts a leg, or sits up if you have a shirt). She’s very direct at telling you what she wants (with a pointed finger in its direction and a grunt). Her three main “word” sounds are na, ma and da. Na is for food. She plays with anything in front of her, grabs for anything techie, and overall is simple. Until she’s hungry. Then, cover your ears. If you don’t have her food prepped, she’ll scream starvation until the bib is on and food is in her mouth. She prefers to hand-feed herself, loves solid foods, and is just now tacking to a sippy of water. And, if you don’t shovel her fruit fast enough, the screaming will begin again. She’s got a good set of vocal chords. She lets me know when her siblings are not treating her well.
She’ll sometimes hum herself to sleep, and still requires a soother to nod off. She rubs at her ears when tired, or says nia-nia-nia and whimpers. Her bed routine is very simple and predictable: PJ’s, lay her down, hand her a bottle, come back when she starts babbling, blanket on and soother in mouth, she turns her head and snuggles under the blanket (which she holds by her face), a few minutes later she’s asleep. A Babysitter’s dream (and parent’s). She won’t wake up til she hears commotion in the morning, or if it’s quiet, until 8:30. Rarely do we hear her cry-out in her sleep.
Her sense of humor is hilarious. She uses lots of facial expression.
She’s a Delight!