Awwwww. What a well behaved baby we have. The Sonographer said so. “Everything looks good” she said. She was able to get all the measurements and pictures she needed, with minimal interfereance from our unmoving little one. She said my Due date is right on (January 28/ 07).
Baby weighs 12 ounces and has a heart rate of 140 beats/ minute. Last week at out Doctor check up, it was 144 beats/ minute. Joshua, at this point in pregnancy with him, was 10 beats/ minute slower. I’ve been reading up about fetal heart rates predicting the baby’s gender, and there is nothing conclusive found by any study. The only differences of heart rates between boys and girls can be seen during delivery. Girls are much faster. But by that point, you’ve stopped guessing and started pushing. So, who knows what we are having, but God.
Anyhow, that puts us at… week 21’ish and day 4. Half way?! Can this be true?
I’ve gained 9 pounds so far. I try to sleep about 9 hours a night, sometimes with a nap during the day. Joshua doesn’t seem to acknowledge my tummy. Only as something to bounce off of. He’ll be such a caring Big Brother.
I would post the ultrasound photos, but our camera seems to be on the fritz. We’ll get something out there somehow.