Gabrielle went for her two month immunization on Tuesday. She was great. I think she was more upset about being held down than being poked TWICE in each leg.
We have a bright little girl (proud mommy). According to the health nurse, she is doing things at two months, that four month olds do. 🙂 Eg. To distract her from the after pain, the nurse shook a rattle in Gabrielle’s face. A two month old would listen in its direction. Gabrielle followed it with her eyes in a straight line, which a four month old would do. Crazy, huh?
She slept the day away and had no adverse reactions to the shots. Yeah. I remember Joshua didn’t suffer from any side-effects either.
She weighs 13lbs 8 oz. and is 23 in. long. She’s wearing size 3-6 month clothes. She has a growing bald spot on the back of her head, and a few blond hairs strewn in with her many brown ones. Her eyes are leaning towards being blue (like daddy’s). She coo’s and churdles lots and smiles the day away (when she’s not sleeping). She sleeps a six to eight hour chunk at night (thank you) and naps most of the morning. She has just started attempting to sit up in her swing (keep that belt on).
We all love her, even Joshua. He has fun with her, even now. They smile at each other and he gives her lots of kisses. He also tries to feed her his food. Anything he has. He tries to console her the best he can. If talking doesn’t work, he shakes whatever apparatus she’s in and that generally gets her attention. “Gentle Joshua, gentle.”
Joshua is growing too, in many ways. His vocabulary keeps increasing, and with great accuracy. He puts two words togather, and uses his manners. I think he’s going through a growth spurt; his shoes are shrinking. Gramma V keeps his dresser well stocked. He wears slim size 2 pants, size 2/3 shirts, age 4/5 socks, and size 8 shoes. He enjoys choosing his movies and controlling the DVD player. The backyard is his oyster, and true to boyish form, likes to play with the dirt. I hope some of my plants will survive his leaf pulling. I know he’s just copying me (pulling weeds). Balls and anything with wheels get his attention. We’ve lost our coffee table to him. It is now his toy table, as it is just his height.
That’s all I can think of for now.