I have information on our baby-to-come, Little Vancelet (who will sometimes be referred to as LV). Little Vancelet is anticipated to arrive on January 26, 2010. So today that puts me at 11 weeks & 7 days. The kids an I heard LV‘s heartbeat last Thursday. They were thrilled. I think now when I say, “Don’t squish Mommy’s tummy. Baby is in there.”, they’ll have some understanding.
On June 9th I had an Ultrasound to figure out my dates. The technician gave me a printout of pictures of LV. I got to tell you, it doesn’t resemble anything human. I’d forgotten they have a yolk sack attached to them until 12-14 weeks. I saw it and thought ‘Twins?’.
Since my 8th week, I’ve felt nausea. So tiring, so overwhelming and with no reprieve that I decided to take Diaclectin (an anti-nausea drug). I understand why some of you ladies used it. It’s the only way to survive if you have other children who need you to be functioning. At first it made me a little sleepy (more than I already was feeling), but now it doesn’t. I had to take the full dosage for the first 10 days (4 pills), but now I’m down to 1 pill a day, every other day. I’m noticing an increase in energy now, and a decrease in illness. I’m still pretty tired though. Anyone with 3 kids and who runs a household is tired normally, then add early pregnancy – exhausted! To top it off, Gabrielle has been weened off her naps so she’s tired enough at bedtime to stay in her ‘big girl bed’ and be sleeping by 8:15. That means no daytime naps for me (as she can’t be out of my sight or disasters ensue). So, I try to be in bed before 9. I know, Party Animal! It’s the only way I can survive it all right now.
Well, that’s about it for now. Ciao all!