As I wrote before, I was supposed to be induced August 21st. Instead, I had a “natural” entry into labour, and it was only 3.5 hours long. Way better than 8-13 hours of painful contractions without purpose.
Jason did a good job of summarizing our Birth story. Here’s my take…
I went to sleep at 10pm on the 20th. At 12am I needed to pee. Something ‘felt’ different. There was an unfamiliar pressure. At 12:30 I got in the bath to see if the contractions I was feeling were for real. By 1am, they hadn’t stopped, but rather increased in frequency and intensity. I got out, excited that I might be experiencing “Natural” labour for the first time. I tried getting comfortable in the livingroom, on the couch, different chairs, walking around… Finally I decided there was no alleviating this pain, and after breathing my way through another contraction, I went to tell Jason. He, at this point, had had less than an hour of sleep. The contractions were 3-4 minutes apart, and 30-45 seconds long. At 2am I chose to call the hospital and let them know what was up. Because Gabrielle came fairly quickly, they said it was a good idea to come in and get checked. The worst that could happen was they’d send me home. I had just packed my bag that evening, so everything was ready to go. We told my Mom we were leaving and headed out. Jason dropped me off outside Emergency and went to park the car. I waddled thru the doors and puffed my way around the empty room while waiting for the admitting nurse to finish with the woman in front of me. I got my Red Card and Jason appeared just in time to escort my up the elevator. I was given a gown when we entered the empty Case Room. I was hooked up to the Fetal monitor and had to endure 6 more brutal contractions on my back. Then they assessed me. I was 7-8cm. “Awesome!” I said exuberantly, and punched the sky. I couldn’t take much more of this pain. I asked what my drug options were at this point. Two. IV Fentenal or the Gas. Or I could use the Shower. I didn’t think the shower would help.
My doctor was paged and I was wheeled into Delivery Room 4. I sat on the corner of the bed and breathed. Again, I was asked what, if any Drugs I wanted. I reached for the Gas. The staff left Jason and I alone for a few minutes. I inhaled gas with my mouth open and made a bee-line for the bathroom sink. I’ve never puked during labour before, but it sure felt good. My doctor appeared and I was put on the monitor again, to check the fetal heartrate, this time without those constricting straps. Phew. My doctor looked and said I was a full 10cm. Did I want to have my water broken, or wait for it to happen. I looked at her and said, “Do it. I just want it (baby) out”. They prepped me and broke it (with difficulty) around 3:30am. 5 minutes later I yelled “Here it comes!”. With my eyes closed for most of the next few minutes I heard the doctor tell the Attending to do ‘something’ while she stood to catch. Jason laughingly asked “Do babies actually fly across the room like in the movies?”. The next part is a bit hazy, as the Gas was really getting to me, and had to be taken away so I could focus on pushing. I was feeling ready to give up, and really foggy. I needed to be told when to push, because I couldn’t feel the contractions anymore, just one long ache. 5 or 6 big pushes later, she was assisted out, kicking me all the way out at 3:50am August 21st. No one had announced what it was, so I asked Jason. He said “A Girl :)”. She came out very clean, with very little blood on her and took half a minute to start crying.
I had one tiny tear. I’m greatful, because my recovery has been all the more faster due to that. Unfortunately, because of the Gas and overall fatigue, I was cranky to everyone and didn’t smile much til about 20 minutes later. Then I thanked and congratulated people. I thank God that it all happened in 3.5 hours. On 2 hours of sleep, I would have needed help if it was any longer.
When all the checking and weighing and such was over, Jason and I got to stay/ sleep in that room. I showered at 7am. I recommend it. I felt 100% refreshed. Jason left to go home to sleep just after 8am.
The Maternity ward was full from all the deliveries the previous day, so there was no bed for me. Baby and I stayed in LR 4 until nearly 10am. And it was a good thing too. Baby wasn’t retaining her heat, so they put her under the warmer to bring her temp back up. I was able to write out our Birth story while we waited. Her temp dropped again later that day and I was instructed to nurse, then hold her skin to skin for an hour. By the end of her 12th hour, she was keeping her heat.
Our first night together was a little noisy, but problem free. She took to feeding like a pro. We had a few family and friends visit us. THANK YOU. the kids came with Jason and my Mom. They were a little confused as to why I was in a bed in a strange building, but we went to a lounge area and broke out the Nibs and they were just fine. Joshua took to her right away. Gabrielle said “Hi Cute”. I nearly cried with relief at their responses.
All her Vital checks were great and 32 hours after her birth I asked to be discharged. My doctor said “See ya”. Jason and Joshua came to take us home.
Our time home has been great so far. The Health Nurses have come twice. She is beyond her birth weight today, so they are happy. All her feedings might have something to do with that. We go to see our doctor Thursday.
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and kind words. We’ll keep you posted on her name.