The snow we got a couple days ago has left us, but this baby is still with me. Tuesday was a slow day. Mom, Joshua and I went to the bakery and Blenz for an outing in the late morning. Michelle and Jace came for tea and lunch later on. Glad to have you three back. Joshua was missing his buddy. Oh, and Jace can walk! Jr. had a small episode of hick-ups and rolled over twice. Then I then napped. In the afternoon, jr. moved for 5 minutes near dinner time and that was it until way later that night. Jason and I taught Mom how to play Settlers of Catan. She was pretty good for a beginner. She and I went to bed near twelve, cause we were trying to get ahold of my Sis in Japan. The leg swelling continued most of the day if my legs weren’t up.
Looking forward to what today will bring.