My Cousin Anthony came to visit while he was in town. My kids wore out the batteries of every tech piecce he brought (camera, GPS, cell …
Preschool Year-End Program
I'd never heard of a Preschool having concerts before this year. Joshua had one for Christmas and for the end of the year. For December, …
The Aunties Are Coming
London At Rest
3 1/2 months old …
Baby Shower Blessings
Three experienced Mom's from church took London and I out for a Shower Lunch. Between the 4 of us, we'd had 17 kids. Thanks again ladies. …
3 Month Old London
Peek-a-Boo London
She has huge eyes (like Gabrielle), which make her always look intense. …
Bigger Sister
London wasn't too into having someone other than Mom hold her, but Gabrielle insisted (and that's all that matters). …
London – 8 Weeks
London is 2 months old. She weighs 9lbs 8 ounces and is 21 inches long. She sleeps 6-7 hours at night and has a regular feeding schedule. …